Friday, March 27, 2009

March 28th

Hi Everyone! Thanks for your continued partnership and the time you take to pray for people impacted by trafficking around the world each month. I wanted to take a few moments this month and share a little bit about a group project that I am involved with at UT this semester and to encourage you all by things going on in Tennessee. For those of you who do not know, this is my final semester in social work school, and one of my courses is a course in policy change and development. Our main assignment in this class is to chose a policy, advocate for changing it, or for the enforcement of this policy, and then evaluate what happens. Because of Jamie's email in December I had a little bit of knowledge about the William Wilberforce Act, and this ended up being the policy that my group decided to go with for the semester. Our plan has been to raise awareness in the Knoxville area about trafficking and connect with groups already working throughout Tennessee to bring some connection and support to their efforts. To make a long story short, today I got to sit at a table with my group mates and tell students about trafficking and get them to sign a petition asking for our Senators and Representative to start the formation of an anti-trafficking task force in Tennessee. It was really exciting, and one thing I learned was that many students didn't know what I was talking about when I said "human trafficking" and their next question was, "Why should we need something like that here? Isn't that just happening in Asia?" Sadly, the answer is no. I came across a letter on the organization Shared Hope's website written from the Mayor of Atlanta to the owner of a popular website that was being used by traffickers for marketing. The letter stated that half of the prostitutes in Atlanta were teenagers. I've read news articles of people being caught trafficking Latin American girls in Nashville and the risks that runaways have in Chattanooga of being caught up in trafficking within two days of hitting the streets. It's alarming. The good news is that right now Georgia and North Carolina have anti-trafficking task forces to help boost prevention efforts as well as work with police forces to recognize situations and individuals who have been trafficked. Organizations like Second Life in Chattanooga and coalitions like Nashville Rescue and Restore are forming in Tennessee to bring awareness and change. It's exciting stuff! You know what's even more exciting? A lot of these groups are led by Believers responding to injustice by offering hope through the Gospel, and, it's getting the attention of the community. I know we've done this before, but, I think it would be good to pray for these grassroots efforts and people working on this issue in their communities. Here is a list of organizations you can pray for (I apologize for those who live in non-Tennessee states, right now I don't have the info on other states, but, we would love for you all to pass on any information to us about groups and work going on in your area! Non Tennesseans feel free to pray generally for your state or, you can pray for these too, pray however you feel led) : *Second Life of Chattanooga ( *Nashville Rescue and Restore ( *Chattanooga Matters ( *The World Next Door Market (Jency and Nathan are going to Nepal in April, pray for their trip as it is an opportunity to offer the gospel, hope, and a new life to girls who decide not to go into India and avoid being trafficked! I am so excited!) *10/40 Connections ( *Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence ( *Catholic Charities ( *STOP student group at the University of Tennessee *Shared Hope International ( *International Justice Mission ( *Pray that these efforts would be successful, organized, and effective. Pray that Christians would display leadership as well as offer the hope and healing of the gospel to their communities. *Pray that anti-trafficking task forces would be started across the country so that more survivors of trafficking are identified and get the support they need, perpetrators are brought to justice, and the communities can have the supports in place to help meet the needs of survivors of trafficking. *Pray that the police forces and area agencies would recognize that this is could be going on in their cities and is a problem. Pray that they would begin looking for ways to train their officers. As it stands right now there are 22,000-24,000 police forces nation wide. Only 2 are trained to identify and handle situations of trafficking. *Pray for the people being trafficked across the United States daily. Pray that this country would become aware of the problem, and that more survivors can be rescued. Pray that these survivors would have the opportunity to hear the gospel and that they would find healing and hope through Jesus. Thanks again! Love, Amanda from the 28th gals

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January Prayer Requests

Dear praying friends,

This weekend my husband Nathan and I (Jency) went to a human trafficking conference at Bryan College. We were encouraged by the number of students that had the desire to know more about this horrible injustice and to spread that awareness. The number one question we heard though is a question that so many of us ask all the time: "But what can we do?" I thought I would share with you this month a topic that is near to my heart and one that the conference highlighted- Fair Trade.

Nathan and I run a fair trade store (World Next Door) in Chattanooga, TN and we get to hear the success stories all the time of people coming out of poverty and no longer being exploited. The basics of fair trade are that the person making the item or growing the crop gets a fair wage for their work under good working conditions. In countries where sweatshops are the norm or prostitution is the only option for survival, being treated fairly and having enough money to support a family totally transforms a community. There are many fair trade organizations that have offered women in brothels, who have no skills, job training so that they can get out of prostitution (or prevent them from ever getting into it). We have found some organizations that do this in the name of Jesus- so the women hear the gospel as well- but sadly, most of the organizations we have seen are "do-gooders" who might be giving these people a chance to feed their family (which is great!), but the people do not get the chance to be spiritually fed. Our hope is to see the Church catch on to the "fair trade" movement- we want to be in the lead when it comes to fighting for justice!

The following are organizations that have rescued women from prostitution by offering job training. These women also get to hear the gospel and learn of the way that Jesus can transform their lives. You can support these women by praying for them and by buying the products they make.

Freeset Bags- these women are taught how to make bags out of jute.

International Princess Project- These women are taught how to make pajamas out of recycled saris.

Sari Bari- These women make blankets and bags out of recycled saris.

Prayer Requests

- pray for the women that have been rescued from prostitution and are being taught a skill. Praise God that they are able to take great pride in the work they are doing. Pray for their salvation- that they would see the spiritual restoration that Jesus brings while they are being restored physically.

- Pray for the church- that we would support these ministries in the work that they are doing. Pray that more ministries would be able to be a part of the fair trade movement in their community overseas.

- From 10/40 Connections: At the border between India and Nepal many girls make life-changing choices – go ahead or go back home. Our friends seek to council girls/women who are being trafficked. Pray God will give this ministry grace, protection, and wisdom. Pray many girls/women will choose to go back home. (This ministry also has begun to teach girls skills such as driving and making hats out of banana fiber.)

- Pray for the Fair Trade organizations that are helping to rescue women. Pray that the Lord would greatly bless their work. Pray for the physical and spiritual protection of these workers as they engage in fighting for these girls.