Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 28th 2008

Dear praying friends,

We've started a blog to try to encourage and connect with one another. The four of us keep in touch pretty regularly but there are so many of you that pray and fast with us that we do not even know. We would love for the blog to become a place that people post comments about what the Lord has been doing in our hearts on this day. The four of us really struggle sometimes in having hope for this situation- but because of Jesus, we have every reason to Hope. And as the body of Christ, we want to join together. Thanks for reading, praying, fasting, partnering with us! Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments about this day and what the Lord is showing you.

Thanks! -Jamie, Jency, Jeanne, and Amanda

May 11, 2007, 10:27 am

Sex Trafficking in India

By Nicholas D. Kristof

Last month I visited India and wrote about the horrific sex trafficking situation there, through the story of a woman named Meena who had been imprisoned in a brothel herself, was bred, and then had her daughter prostituted as well. Meena is an incredibly gutsy woman, and she was able to rescue her teenage daughter, Naina.

So here’s an update. Ruchira Gupta, head of a first-rate anti-trafficking group called Apne Aap, helped Meena rescue Naina and has been trying to keep her alive. Ruchira is now visiting New York, and she says that Naina has finally gotten out of the hospital and is getting counselling. Lots of Times readers sent checks to Ruchira for Apne Aap, and the money was used to start a boarding school where the girls will — hopefully — be safe from the brothels. I’d been terribly worried about Meena’s two younger daughters, for fear that the brothel-owners would punish Meena by kidnapping and prostituting them, but now they’re safe in the boarding school.

Ruchira sends her thanks to the donors, and she also says she would welcome any Americans who want to volunteer to work with her group for a few months or more. So for those of you who didn’t win the “win-a-trip contest,” here’s your chance. I can’t think of an experience more eye-opening than working in Bihar, one of the most wretched places in India, trying to stop this 21st century slavery.

Prayer Requests:

-Pray for Apne Aap an anti-trafficking group and the International Justice Mission and their efforts. Pray for the employees. Pray for their spirits as they engage in such a dark and depressing issue, and combat an industry that's only growing. Pray for their hearts to be encouraged through the words of friends and the Word.

-Pray the same things for other organizations that are fighting sex trafficking such as International Princess Project and Word Made Flesh

-Pray for Jolli, a women the four of us met in India. She used to work with IJM. She and her husband have since gone to law school to tackle the legal aspect of the issue. When I (Jamie) went back to India this sumer she visited with our team again. She shared with us some stories of trying to rescue girls from brothels and the difficulties of knowing what to do them. Pray for her and her husband. Pray that the Lord would minister to them and continue to encourage them in the difficult work that they're doing.

- Pray for all of us who read these articles and pray once a month. Pray that God would by His grace allow us to continue delving into deeper awareness of this issue. If you're like me, ask God to give you Hope and to encourage you to continue praying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The blog is a great idea girls! Thanks for consistently sending the e-mails each month with articles. I am still praying with you guys!

I am encouraged here in Nepal to find that there are many organizations working on the prevention and after care of Women Trafficking victims. I am actually going today (in a couple hours) to visit a home for Women rescued out of this lifestyle.

Please pray with me that the Lord will show me how I can be more directly involved in the solution to this problem!

Love in Christ,